September Circle of Grace Widow’s Event
It is time for our next Circle of Grace Widow’s Event. On Saturday, September 23rd @ ll:30 am Mrs. Lynn Mallinson will be our special guest and she will be guiding us in packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Everything needed to complete your shoebox will be provided so you do not have to buy anything.
Lunch will also be provided. The menu includes chicken parmesan, pasta salad, bread and, of course, wonderful desserts. Please note: the location of this event is different from our previous events. It will be at:
Hillcrest Baptist Church
7673 Collins Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32244
Please register for this event in the Church Center app under “Events” or online at September Widow’s Event – Shoebox Packing Party – Hillcrest Baptist Church (churchcenter.com). You can also RSVP with Janna Crump by September 19th.